Why Dux?

Dux is a solution to help fleet safety management spot red flags in driver's behavior. Management can use the insights and recommendations from Dux to take remedial steps before an actual collision occurs - reducing losses and saving lives.

We take privacy seriously and understand the risks of distractions in the driver’s environment. Dux does not use intrusive cameras or microphones in the vehicle. Driver behavior is monitored without distracting sounds or lights.

DuxBox is a small, simple device that collects physical vehicle movement data. It measures swerving, acceleration, braking and other events that relate to driving safety. DuxApp then analyzes this data in context of intersection maps, historical crash data overlaid on weather and other relevant data sets to accurately assess driver's behavior.

Fleet safety management and driver trainers can see how drivers in their fleet score on safe driving behavior and trends across the fleet and the routes driven. DuxApp promotes a constructive on-going dialog between trainers and drivers as to "what happened", discussing near-collision situations that are flagged on the route map.

At organization level, Dux can help fleet management team make decisions on route planning, driver rostering to optimize cost while maximizing fleet efficiency and safety.

Dux operation is cost-effective. There are no on-going mobile data charges to use the solution. DuxBox stores the real-time data locally and automatically uploads it to the cloud whenever Wi-Fi connectivity is available, such as when the vehicle returns to the garage. Based on the collected driving data, Drive Square Simulation can recommend specific driver training scenarios for the driver.

Our Story

Drive Square Inc., a driving simulation and training company, was founded in 2001 with a mission "To make simulation training available to every driver thereby reducing accident-related costs and saving lives"